Veteran Dog Training

Dogs2DogTags owner Torre with two dogs

Our Training Experience

From puppies to military dogs, Torre Willadsen leads Dogs2DogTags, a nonprofit organization, with an extensive background and a wide range of dog training experience.

He has produced Department of Defense (DOD) canines for bomb detection, Homeland Security Search Dogs, TSA Bomb and Drug Search Canines, Special Forces Dual and Single purpose teams, and local and national police search units from Los Angeles to Washington DC Capital Police.

He also mentored under the best Hunt Test, Field Trial, Military Working Dog (MWD), and Master Trainers in the country.

Torre’s qualifications include DOD Certified Dog Trainer, Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Certified Military Dog Trainer, Department Of Defense K-9 Handler trainer, Certified Drug and Explosive K-9 Handler, and Police K-9 Handler.