Success Stories
Ernie was a dog destined for death before he met the staff at Dogs2DogTags. Now he has been saved, trained, and placed with a veteran who needed Ernie as much as Ernie needed him.
Steven’s experience as a marine led to many hardships, injuries, and losses. Not only did he lose his friends, his health, and his family, but he also lost his military working dog, Buzz. Without Dogs2DogTags, Steven wouldn’t have been able to begin his journey on the path to recovery.
“My dog honestly saved my life,” Schyler said after traumatically losing his brother to suicide. With the help of Dogs2DogTags, Schyler was able to get help through a dog who will always be there when Schyler needs him.
Ruby was starving on the street and James was starving for a dog. Dogs2DogTags took Ruby in where she found an instant connection with James.
Beau was saved from two two kill shelters and a severe infection so that he could save veteran Chris.
Jimmy knew that he needed an emotional support animal, and after an exhausting search, Jimmy found Dogs2DogTags, a nonprofit organization that was willing and ready to help.