Call To Action
Military suicide is not a new topic. Unfortunately, the occurrence of suicide in Military members and Veterans is far too common. As recently as September of this year, TIME released an article claiming, “U.S. Military Suicides have increased as much as 20% during the Pandemic” This is 20% more than 2019 where we were already seeing numbers of 20 suicides a day.
We could spend hours discussing and lamenting the whys and how’s and who is responsible but the facts remain unchanged. So, the question that should be asked, what can be done?
Yes, there are programs available, and there is funding available, but does it work? Can it help? According to a recent study done in 2018, there is a “meaningful change” in a person with a service dog vs. a person just receiving treatment. So what is a “meaningful change”? In a study conducted by the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), “Preliminary efficacy of Service dogs as a Complementary treatment for PTSD in Military Members and Veterans”, and what they found was actually very simple; service dogs, including but not limited to emotional support dogs, meaningfully (By 10 pts or more based on their research) change the symptoms of PTSD and depression, while increasing quality of life. It is significant to include that a service dog DID NOT change the diagnosis of PTSD or depression, just lessened the symptoms associated with either of those diagnoses.
Now you, the reader, will be asking one of two questions, either “How can I help” or “How can I GET this help”? Dogs2DogTags needs your help and can help in return. This blog, “Doc’s blog”, is the journey of just ONE of the Dog2DogTags dogs. Read along, share, donate, give your time, reach out to someone who needs help or contact us to let us help you, but do not remain silent and do not be still. Join us in this Call to Action.